I Think I Owe Myself 25 Cents

They say there’s a first time for everything. Today I did something for the first time, and I'm excited to tell you all about it.

Today, I gave myself a haircut.

Before I get into the pictures and the story, a little background:

I’ve always gone to have my hair cut by a professional, someone who knows way more about hair than I do, or ever will. I used to have curly hair when I was younger, now I’m thankful for what little hair I have left since I’ve got a healthy baldness going on up there. I accept it, I’m 38 years old, so it is what it is.

I could always tell when it was getting “too long” when I had hair, and these days it gets to a point where I look like Doc Brown from Back to the Future, but with darker colored hair. I like to keep it looking somewhat reasonable, and when it gets beyond that, it’s usually time for a haircut.

Since it had been a while, I wanted to get one, but… oh, wait… there’s that thing going on… that… coronavirus! So, most hair places aren’t open around here. Well, I had to improvise, because I didn’t want to deal with my nasty hair, so I could either wait until this blows over (who knows how long that’ll be), or just do it myself. I figured it’d make for a fun blog entry (or YouTube video, but I wound up not filming the process), so I went for it. I managed to find a home haircut kit available at my local Walgreens, so I picked it up on Saturday, and decided today was the day to make it happen.

My first obstacle, before I did any cutting, was to figure out how I was going to deal with the hair I was cutting off. I thought of a few ideas:

  • Stand in the bathtub and let the hair fall down, then suck it up with the vacuum.

  • Put a few garbage bags on the floor and then just wrap them up when done and throw them out.

  • Lean my head over the toilet and hope for the best

None of those seemed in any way practical, so I wound up improvising with a few cologne bottles and a bed sheet:


It definitely worked well! I was able to clean up the hair pretty easily.

As for the haircut? Well, see for yourself:





I’m no Vidal Sassoon, but for my first self-cut I think it’s not bad. It looks pretty uniform, my sideburns are gone, and I even did a quick shave afterward. The haircut was pretty easy to do, and I think with practice I may get better results.

So, today I gave myself a “shave and a haircut” - I think that warrants the “two bits” plus tip of course!

Speaking of “tips,” got any self-haircutting advice you can share? Post a comment below, and let me know!


Episode 5: Crap In The Mailbox


Episode 4: Stick Together by Staying Apart