Blog Nouveau

Every few years I like to do a little “spring cleaning” on my website(s). If only I were that diligent about doing spring cleaning around my apartment, but that’s a topic for another discussion. I like to switch things up a bit; I like to change the look, maybe change servers or providers, just to see if I can get it to be even better than it was previously. Well, if you can’t tell, today I’ve done that! It also gets me excited about my site again, and gets me motivated to write and create content. Life happens, sometimes things get stale, and we get into a rut. This is my way of throwing myself a curve ball, and keeping things interesting.

Welcome to the new version of my blog: - I’m calling it: Blog Nouveau.

Why? Because I think it sounds pretentious and snobby… I’m joking of course. I just came up with that a moment ago, it sounded good in my head, so to the page it went.

I’ve decided to move away from Wordpress and move back to one of my favorite spots: Squarespace. I’ve found that I’ve not been happy with the performance on Wordpress, and I’d rather focus on creating content and adding it here, than trying to finagle the back end of the site to work better on the front end.

Over the coming weeks I’ll be going through and tidying up some of the old posts; when the text came over it was put into one giant paragraph, which sadly isn’t great for reading. Thank you for checking this out, and to those who’ve subscribed to my blog emails, I am eternally grateful. If you know of anyone who would enjoy my content, please feel free to share my site and encourage them to subscribe as well.


When Life Throws You Lemons


Highlights from Dives in the ABC Islands