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2 Great Dives With Not-So-Great Visibility

I went for a few dives this morning with my good friend Mark, with whom I did my Open Water and Advanced Open Water certifications.  I brought the same camera setup with me as my previous dives, but silly me seems to have misplaced his dive light. I had to go without, which explains the overly-green hue of most of these images. I've learned one of the great things about underwater photography is bringing your own light source; without it, you're at the mercy of the color of the water around you, and with Lake Travis, that means green pictures.

We saw quite a few fish, as usual:

I've heard of peeing in your wetsuit, but what about #2? Well I guess when ya gotta go, ya gotta go...

It's a bird, it's a plane... wait... it actually is a plane:

We also spotted the wreck of an old boat:

Also, here's a video just to give you an idea of the visibility. For reference, Mark is just a tad more than arms length away from me. This was probably the best visibility we had all day, since there were quite a few other divers including a few classes.

And finally, at the very end of the 2nd dive, here's another short video showing the visibility around 12 feet. The fish nearest to me were about the only thing that was clear.

I love every chance I get to don the gear, go underwater, and blow bubbles. Even when the visibility isn't great, or we don't get to see much, it's still a good dive when everyone comes back safely. I had fun. Didn't see much, but still had fun. Thanks again to Mark for the dives and for helping with some of the pictures!